What does found change have to do with cat food, or dog food for that matter? Well, if I set up a "change pot" and pick up every penny, nickel, dime and quarter that I see discarded wherever I go, I could save enough money to donate lots and lots of cat food and/or dog food and toys, too, to the League. That would be a very generous donation. Every penny counts. Organizations like the Washington Animal Rescue League rely on donations.
Without donations the League could not take care of the hundreds of dogs and cats that depend on us every single day. We find cats and dogs permanent, loving homes. Our medical center helps people on restricted incomes get veterinary care for their animals. In a per
fect world all animals would have wonderful, forever homes and everyone would be able to afford the very best of veterinary care for their animal companions. Although our world is not perfect and there are lots of homeless animals that need care, the Washington Animal Rescue League is there to help. My change pot and lots of other change pots, can help the League provide the very best care for London (pictured) and all of the other cats and dogs in our care.

Check out the Huphrey family's blog at changepot.blogspot.com
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