When Murphy was admitted to the shelter he weighed a slim 11 pounds. This morning, after a full breakfast, he weighed 14.1 pounds. Charlotte has been instructed to eat less, exercise more, too.
My New Year's resolution is to make sure that Murphy and Charlotte stick to their diets (less food in the bowl) and more exercise. They have each other for support and I expect them to run laps around the house all day when I'm at work.
Murphy's trek to the vet reminded me of a book, Milton Goes to the Vet, I used to read to Max. Milton, a very opinionated cat, tries to maintain control at all times. After his futile attempts to escape the dreaded carrier fail, Milton narrates the horrid journey every step of the way from the car ride to the lobby, to the meeting of the veterinarian. The trip home is a joy ride and Milton's home reentry is uneventful.
I could change the book title to Murphy Goes to the Vet. Getting Murphy into the carrier proved difficult for us both. After re-positioning the carrier and Murphy numerous times, he was packed into the large plastic carrier and on his way. He voiced his resentment the entire ride, was feisty during the exam, and a complete gentleman on the way back and walked out of the carrier, once home, as if he had just returned from a planned vacation!
Check out Milton and Milton Goes to the Vet at https://www.amazon.com/Milton-Goes-Vet-Hayde-Ardalan/dp/0811828433/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1482856008&sr=8-2&keywords=cat+goes+to+the+vet
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