Bashert is doing great, last night we were doing some commands with her and she sat all by herself. Of course she wouldn't do it again, but it's still a big step up.

Also yesterday she met one of our bunnies Thumper and our guineapig Cuitea. For Cuitea we kept Bashert on a leash and let her follow Cuitea but with Thumper we held them both tight and

Also yesterday she met one of our bunnies Thumper and our guineapig Cuitea. For Cuitea we kept Bashert on a leash and let her follow Cuitea but with Thumper we held them both tight and
let Bashert sniff Thumper. She gave him a lick bath ( he was soaked literally) and Thumper didn't mind at all. (Great photo to the left by Jesse Rowton, photographer and League volunteer) We also discovered that she does not like rain when we let her out side she went straight under the canopy and would not come out. Then this morning we discovered she went to the bathroom inside.
She's learning a lot and so are we.
Sadly this will be my last entry (I am going to camp for a month). I will miss Bashert very much but my mom promised to send me pictures.
Its good that she is learning..
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