The League's first-ever Caring Kids Camp concluded last Friday with certificates of completion, media interviews (WUSA-channel 9 interviewed Carolos, Delicia, and Tselote), hugs and promises to keep in touch. Evidence of the 14 campers commitment to making the world a better place for the animals continues to be displayed in the shelter. On Tuesday of last week the campers created ado
ption posters highlighting many of the dogs' best qualities. Artist Carol Hilliard, who illustrated the book I Like Dogs, conducted a workshop focusing mostly on drawing dogs, but demonstrated with a cat drawing, too. The campers applied those techniques when designing their adoption posters. A couple of the dogs have already gone home; their new families got to keep the camper-created posters. We're looking forward to Bogey, Keiffer, and Thunder heading out to their forever homes soon.

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