Sammi is spending her first Thanksgiving in her forever home. Who knows where the little poodle spent Thanksgiving in years past, but this year we know that she is with her favorite person, Katherine, and the rest of her new family -- including Jingle, a big, 10-year-old bunny.
Katherine attended the third session of our Caring Kids summer camp, the one that focused on dog training. At the end of the five days Katherine told her pup good-bye, but she continued working on her family about adopting the tiny P-pup. She must be quite persuasive because after a couple of days her mom called from their vacation and asked if the pup was still available. "No, " she was told, the puppy was already in a new home.
Soon after their return, Katherine and her family visited the League. And, there was Allison Krause! A pretty autumn-colored poodle who had just been returned. To the best of our knowledge the little dog had lived in at least three homes, probably more. Katherine's would be her FOREVER home.
Katherine's mother sent a recent update --
It's been 2 1/2 months. We renamed her Sammi. It was 2 weeks before she barked. It was another few weeks before she would not cower around men. She is still afraid of most new people. We took her for her first grooming and she trembled most of the time. I expect her to become more confident with time. But with us, she's just a sweet, good tempered pup. We just love her.
She gets 2-3 walks a day during the week and more on weekends. Sammi goes to soccer with us and we've taken her to Great Falls Park. Sammi is somewhat interested in our rabbit. She sniffs him but that is about it.
Katherine's mom reports that the family cat is not quite so sure about Sammi. But I am guessing that by next Thanksgiving the update will include a photo of the cat and Sammi in close proximity of one another.
There is much to be thankful for -- Caring Kids campers, animals in forever home, and for parents, who have never had a dog, but who make the plunge to adopt and then fall in love.