Yes, I uploaded games on my IPad for Merl and Charlotte. And, yes they play with them sometimes. Merl is a fan of Cat Fishing 2. Charlotte likes the Jitterbug game, but would much rather play with the Cat Dancer. The Cat Dancer is all about packaging. You can barely see the toy, which is described on Amazon as the original interactive cat toy. Spring steel wire and rolled cardboard create an irresistible lure for cats... It is the cheapest toy I've ever bought, and yet I resisted purchasing one for the longest time. I refused to spend money on what is basically a piece of steel wire with four tiny roles of brown paper. The cat room at the League has several Cat Dancers. And, when the brown paper lures are pulled off of the wire, we get more. We get more Cat Dancers because the cats love them. I hesitated buying a Cat Dancer for home because I figured I could make my own, for about $3.80 cheaper than the $3.99 price tag. After trying a number of combinations, and tiring of yelling at Charlotte to stop whatever improper behavior she was engaged in, I broke down and bought a Cat Dancer. And, when that one was misplaced I bought two more. The home Cat Dancers are pure entertainment for all. Merl and Charlotte leap, twist and pounce on the waving wire and I, the controller of the Cat Dancer, break into hysterics watching their aeriel twists. And best of all, when Charlotte is sharpening her nails on the sofa, or knocking photos off of the piano or chewing on electrical cords, all I have to do is pick up the Cat Dancer and wave it. Charlotte stops her naughty behavior immediately and leaps for the Cat Dancer. At $3.99 a pop, the Cat Dancer is much less expensive than a new sofa!
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