I don't have a bird feeder. I did years ago, but I attracted just as many mice as birds, so I gave up feeding the birds. But, the recent snow and the on-going cold made me think about the birds. Can they find enough food to eat? If I feed them today, do I need to feed them all winter long? Since I didn't know the answer to either question, I asked Jim Monsma, the League's resident bird expert.
Here's what he said.
It is fine to feed animals now and then. They eat what they can find, when they can find it. You could leave them in a bad situation if you fed them regularly and then cut them off suddenly.
More important is what you feed them – no bread, for instance – and keeping feeders clean, which many people fail to do. That’s why we have the outbreak of the eye disease among house finches, for instance. This was news to me, when I was growing up we always put out bread crusts for the birds.
Other important considerations --
Keep bird feeders no more than 3 feet from nearby windows (collisions with glass kill more birds than any other single factor with estimates that, on average, every single structure in the country kills 3 birds/year – think about that for a minute).
Other important considerations --
Keep bird feeders no more than 3 feet from nearby windows (collisions with glass kill more birds than any other single factor with estimates that, on average, every single structure in the country kills 3 birds/year – think about that for a minute).
Keep cats indoors. I can do that!
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