It feels like we've been celebrating this holiday season in the north pole. And, while this might be great weather for penguins and polar bears, cats and dogs need a little extra attention. Their bodies are not primed for day after day of freezing temperatures. Dogs and cats should not be left outside.
Some animals like the cold. Nigel really enjoys his walks in the cold. But, they are just that -- 10 minute walks, not life on the ice floes. After the brisk walk it's back inside the house with the thermostat set to 68 degrees (not exactly warm, but comfortable, and the lower temperature helps to save energy). And, Nigel's buddies Micky, Merl and Bruce are inside always -- cats do not enjoy the cold and are NEVER safe outside.
Please, Please, Please report animals left outside to the proper agencies. Sometimes just telling an unknowing neighbor that his cat or dog would be a lot happy, safer and WARMER will do the trick. Believe it or not, there are folks who say, "but he's wearing a fur coat." I may not have fur, but when I go outside bundled up from head to toe, I still get cold and don't want to stay outside for very long. How different is that than my short-haired dog who goes outside barefoot?
New Year's resolution number one -- help keep animals warm and safe this winter.
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